Re-Elect Principal Chief Chad Smith

Working together, we did what we said we would do.

“Preserve and promote the Culture, Heritage and Traditions”.

Today, the Cherokee culture lives strongly in our traditional communities, assisted by our elders’ wisdom and model programs we have put in place. As a result, our language, culture, heritage and traditions will never be forgotten.
Specifically, we have accomplished:
  • Created the 40-hour History Course, completed by 10,000+ people all over the United States.
  • Taught the Cherokee language to thousands with online courses.
  • Revitalized use of Cherokee language on our properties and in our offices.
  • Reestablished cultural events and activities with at-large Cherokee Communities.
  • Created a Cherokee Language Immersion Elementary School, where 90 students conduct all coursework in the Cherokee language.
  • Begun Cherokee language classrooms in three public schools, three Head Start classrooms and one Child Care classroom, immersing children as young as 3 months in the Cherokee Language
  • Facilitated inclusion of Cherokee language in Apple ® and Google ® products.
  • Implemented a Cherokee Teacher Enrichment program, where teachers learn Cherokee history, language and culture, create a portfolio of lessons and deliver them in public school classrooms.
  • Developed a 16-week Cherokee history and cultural curriculum, implemented in 4th through 8th grade student after-school programs.
  • Partnered with the Cherokee Heritage Center to stabilize their operations.

We will build on our past successes specifically by:
  •  Expanding Cultural Tourism, telling our history and enhancing the economy by implementing the Cherokee By-Way (highway 10 and 82) and planned Greenway (adjacent trails).
  • Restore the Cherokee National Capitol to its original glory.
  • Revitalize Cherokee arts and support markets for artisans.